Resource Center
How to Create a PTO Policy
Paid time off (PTO) is one of the most common and popular benefits employers offer to their employees. But in order to implement this benefit with the least amount of administrative and interpersonal hassles, a business needs a strong PTO policy along with an HR technology to track employees' use of PTO and ensure accuracy of records.
Dealing with Workplace Toxicity
Humans are social animals, and the energy and trust they build from social interactions have long been the bedrock of successful team building, collaboration, and the creation of exceptional outcomes.
Effective Strategies For Addressing Meeting Overload
Schedules riddled with meetings render high-value "deep work" nearly impossible, forcing employees either to abandon cognitively demanding tasks or to complete them outside of working hours.
Use Employee Net Promoter Scores to Boost Loyalty and Motivation
Like an elevator, employee loyalty can move in only two directions: up or down. Because it is constantly changing, executives want to know if their employees’ loyalty is rising or falling - and what it might look like in the years ahead.
How to Plan a Successful Safety Stand-down
Most safety professionals would freely admit that safety stand-downs were poorly executed even before COVID; having to conduct them in an online environment brings new challenges to that process. Gone are the days of packing people into a big hall for an hours-long meeting followed by a buffet lunch. If the pandemic has taught workplace safety experts anything, it's that companies must improve their in-house safety protocols—including safety meetings.